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David Parejo - Systemic Change Channel

Over twenty years' international business development experience. A first-rate business analyst with a multilingual international management background and a portfolio of global contacts and experience both leading diverse teams and serving in support on consulting roles.


His background is supported by more than a decade fighting climate change within Clean Energy and Clean Tech. In recent years, his involvement with startups pushing emerging technologies where primary value lies in identifying points of leverage for rapid scaling and developing the structural and visionary resources towards sustainability and added-value-for-all based projects.


Pedro Jurado - Technology Free Thinker

More than fifteen years of technical leadership experience. An experienced consultant CTO with a broad technology and management understanding.


As a startup founder himself, he advocated his time to provide an affordable CTO service for startups and SME, bringing better chances of success to the company. His firm, Matebil, has evolved to a Management As A Service company, filling the gaps in the corporate structure within operations, technology and executive management.


In the past years, he has started a career as a Mentor for ESIC Business school or Meet-a-Mentor. He is also the founder of Hands-on Sustainability, a community of micro-mentoring session for impact startups and entrepreneurs.

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Adam Shaw - The Heart Guy

Adam Shaw is The Heart Guy, he runs networking events, gets people pitch ready for funding and helps his clients to improve their public speaking. 


He's spent over 28 years in the medical field, trained as a nurse and trained in personal development and energy medicine techniques. He can transfer all his learnings about energy medicine in easy to understand exercises.

He also run a 'Fun way of Business Networking', which doubles as a training academy for those who want to network and feel better in a relaxed environment.



IT IS ALL ABOUT PEOPLE. Working on a project to project basis on different industries in several countries, a valuable networking of contacts and long term partnership relationships is the best ASSET. Building 'conscious' teams where people are aligned to the Mission, Vision and Purpose of every project is the new definition of SUCCESS.

Catalyst 2030

A networking of PEOPLE from NGOs, social enterprises, intermediaries, funders and other social change innovators,  collaborating in this urgent moment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Catalyst 2030 believes that collective action and bold, new strategies are needed to address the crises of our time. Joining forces with communities, governments, businesses, and others, Catalyst 2030 members are working toward changing systems at all levels. Cumulatively, members have already impacted the lives of millions, often with limited resources. Together, we envision the realisation of the SDGs for all.






IDGs - Inner Development Goals

The IDGs initiative has co-creation at its center with ongoing development and input from more and more experts, scientists, practitioners and organisations around the world.lenges.

The IDGs will provide an essential framework of transformative skills for sustainable development, a field-kit (in co-creation now) on how to develop these necessary skills - open source and free for all to use. The current IDGs framework represents 5 dimensions and 23 skills and qualities which are especially crucial for leaders who address SDGs, but fundamentally for all of us!  It is the greatest possible accelerator to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and create a prosperous future for all humanity.

Gaia Journey - Presencing Institute

A community of PEOPLE that comes together for a collective "inhale and exhale". On the "inhale" weeks, the global community meets together virtually with co-sensing conversations and hearing inspirational stories. On the "exhale" weeks,  communities gets together with an iterative framework shared by the global community conversations.


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Seeds Community

A community of PEOPLE helping to recover the economy with innovative financial models to empower humanity and heal our planet. SEEDS model connects and nutures a global regenerative culture creating a healthier and more equitable planet.


Promoting better than free services, responsible and decentralised governance, Seeds is building a community where every one counts and no one is left behind. 







Humanity's Team - Conscious Business Global Movement

A global movement of PEOPLE, leaders, change agents, and concerned citizens of the world dedicated to transforming Business and supporting the Conscious Business Declaration that articulates essential principles that will dramatically increase economic prosperity while healing the environment and improving human wellbeing. The Declaration aims to define a new standard for Business in the 21st century, one that will enable Business to become the most powerful engine on Earth for creating abundance and flourishing for humanity and all life on Earth.

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Climate Neutral Now - UN

A group of PEOPLE from leading organisations and individuals to incentivize behavioural changes which in turn will drive the change within their industries and networks, helping align them with the Sustainable Development Goals. Become a leader and support society to succeed against this challenge. Climate Neutral Now is an initiative launched by UN Climate Change in 2015 to encourage everyone in society to take action to help achieve a climate neutral world by mid-century, as enshrined in the Paris Agreement.



The Fun Business Network

A network of PEOPLE building relationships as a foundation for good business, and making sure that those who give the best referrals get paid for doing so, without any pressure to attend every week. For this reason we do not talk business for the first part of our events. We get to know each other, and then decide whether we like each other enough to want to get to know their business.

Our philosophy is: it's ok to mix business and fun. Since people buy people, let's get to know each other properly, and then work out how to make our businesses and the world better.



A group of PEOPLE with more than 50 professionals with over 15 years experience in decision making and executive tasks within international projects. 


Associates have experience in Management and Executive Positions for International projects thanks to Technical training and practice in the field of foreign trade throughout the CICP accreditation ®


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